Friday 16 May 2008

Spring Activities: Nagano Soccer Tournament and the Kyoto trip

I intended to use this blogg as a journal but unfortunately I have hardly had any time to write about my life in Japan. I will try to update this site regulary in future. This week has been an interesting week. We are finally away from the dreaded Ishikawa winter and have entered my most favorite time of the year, spring. This means more outdoor activities and social events and of course the subtle change of kanazawa people as well. It is often said that people from Kanazawa tend to become more sociable due to the change of weather. Since last week I too have become more sociable. I have joined an Irish band in my hope to continue my violin pracitice and have been making a constant effort to get my ass to the soccer training grounds in preparation for the Nagano Soccer tournament. This year with the extreme loss of weight and eating problems that I have since experienced I have been under performing in training so will have to change my diet and phycial trainning routine. Next week will be the thing I will most look forward to. I will be going on a one day trip organised by the hokkoku academy or something from my workplace. The trip will be in Kyoto so I am really looking forward to that. Will tell you about how it went next time! Well next time has arrived. I have decided to continue the post with a bit about the Kyoto trip. It was really good. We got to see a temple, ate traditonal Kyoto food, went to mushidera and bought some omiyage from Kyoto. All in all it was great.